Tuesday 12 December 2006

Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness," Gen 1v26

Before we move on something else struck me about Genesis Chapter 1.  God makes man in his image, but that is plural, not God says "Let me make man in my image." but let "us make man in our image."  God is not just one individual, God is a community.

Now that thought is a bit mind-blowing for us mere mortals, but God does not appear to have a problem with it.  There is no multiple personality disorder in the Almighty, though at times when God the Father turns away from God the Son on the cross, the tensions are significant.

We live in a world that is fast fragmenting into its various tribes and cultural groups.  The church has a tendency to do the same.  We have churches full of old people and churches full of young people.  We have black led churches and white churches.  We are divided by worship styles and mission strategies, by biblical interpretations and traditons.  Paul is emphatic,

Col 3:11 Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all, and is in all. (NIV)

God is community, that is a creative tension not a weakness.  We need to be in community with people who we disagree with that we may grow.  Surrounding ourselves with spiritual yes people, does us about the same amount of good that it does politicians.  It may feel comfortable but we die.

We need churches that struggle together, that disagree, but still love and grow.  The world needs acceptance, and if we cannot accept each other then others will not feel accepted in our midst.  Acceptance is not about pretending that we agree, but about being open and honest about where we are, and loving each other all the same.

We are created in the image not of a singular diety but of a community.  We need the humilty to say we disagree, but let us walk together and grow.  To say if you don't like it leave, is not Christian.  We are created in the image of community, and we need to seek as churches to be one, as God is one.

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